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Tenant’s Rights Brochure for LUXEMBOURG
TENLAW: Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Multi-level Europe
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 290694.
Tenant’s Rights Brochure for LUXEMBOURG
Marta Santos Silva
Team Leader:
Prof. Dr. Christoph Schmid
National Supervisors:
Avocat avoué Jerôme Krier
Maître Saliha Dekhar
Other contributors:
Dr Julien Licheron (PhD)
Mr Romain Schanen
Summary of contents1
TENLAW: Tenancy Law and Housing Policy in Multi-level Europe
1. Introductory information
2. Looking for a place to live
2.1. Rights of the prospective tenant
2.2. The rental agreement
3. During the tenancy
3.1. Tenant’s
3.2. Landlord’s rights
4. Ending the tenancy
4.1. Termination by the tenant
4.2. Termination by the landlord
4.3. Return of the deposit
4.4. Adjudicating a dispute
5. Additional information
Pour lire la suite télécharger le document ci-joint